Not saying you should, just proposing a way of working if you want to use a stock arduino.
The Pololu Maestro board uses a picaxe processor, and is programmable using a simple forth-like language through a development environment that comes with it. Like an arduino, but different… It is also like the Servotor32 in that it has a PoMoCo-like piece of software that runs on your computer and controls the servo movement over a serial interface.
it has firmware (like the Servotor32) however instead of programming it directly, you can send it simple commands using an arduino (or a computer, or anything really) to control position, acceleration and speed of the servos. it also can communicate back, indicating current servo positions, and when movement is finished. These are very handy functions. So I program the arduino (with the arduino development environment) to send commands to the Pololu board, rather than program the Pololu board directly. I’m more familiar with programming the arduino, and the Pololu language is more of a scripting language.
Have a look at the link.